Improving Access to Licensed Occupations for Internationally-Trained Professionals Internationally trained immigrants and refugees stand ready to contribute their valuable education...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
CPA Evolution- Reimagining CPA Licensure The CPA Evolution initiative is transforming the CPA licensure model to recognize the rapidly...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Emphasizing Soft Skills in Continuing Competence Professionals are required to conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate and consistent...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Cultural Competence in Healthcare- Two Regulators' Experiences Two regulators will discuss their experience with cultural competency, safety and humility in...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Research on Expanded Scope of Practice for Pharmacists New research from the University of Waterloo studied non-urgent emergency department visits in...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Blockchain Technology and the Future of Credential Verification Michael Dugan and Eric Fish with Federation of State Medical Boards will describe work that FSMB...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
An Ounce of Prevention - Upstream Regulation This webinar will explore how the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC) has been focusing on...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Alternatives to a Licensure Exam - Oregon State Bar task force The Oregon Supreme Court has unanimously supported recommendations from the state Board of Bar...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Regulatory Practice - Opportunities and Considerations In the regulatory context, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
From Stigma to Support- Modernizing Mental Health Policies in Licensure Research shows that questions about mental health and substance use on licensure applications and...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Supporting Licensed Professionals through Regulatory Proceedings The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) recognises that being under investigation by a regulator...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100
Understanding our Impact - Supporting Registrant/Licensee Health and Wellbeing The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is a United Kingdom-wide multi-professional...
Member Price: $80
Non-Member Price: $100