Past CLEAR Awards Winners

2023 Winners      2022 Winners      2021 Winners       2020 Winners       2019 Winners       2018 Winners

CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement | Dean Benard, Benard + Associates

CLEAR’s Lifetime Service Award is given in recognition of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution and commitment to CLEAR, demonstrating dedication and integrity. In 2023, CLEAR Dean Benard for his many years of service to communities across the regulatory arena, as well as to CLEAR itself.

Having started his career in nursing and then moving to policing, Dean’s passion for justice and health care led naturally into the field of health professional regulation, where his 24 years in the field of regulation began. After serving as an investigator and manager of investigations for the largest health regulator in Canada, Dean founded Benard + Associates in 2003 as an answer to the question of how to relieve growing pressures on health sector regulators to complete thorough, timely, and reliable investigations. His vision was realized over the ensuing 20 years. Dean’s leadership has made Benard + Associates Canada’s leading regulatory investigation firm, staffed by expert investigators who complete hundreds of impartial regulatory investigations each year, for over 90% of Ontario regulatory bodies, as well as fast growing number of regulators across Canada.

CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award (Individual) | Ginny Hanrahan, CEO at CORU, Ireland 

This award recognizes an individual demonstrating an outstanding contribution to the enhancement of occupational or professional regulation, regulatory processes or consumer and public protection. The individual must have demonstrated exceptional leadership, vision, creativity, results and outcomes above and beyond the regular functions of the job or expectations, and beyond what is normally achieved.

CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award (Team) | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (AHPRA)

This award recognizes a team or agency demonstrating an outstanding contribution to the enhancement of occupational or professional regulation, regulatory processes or consumer and public protection. The team or agency must have demonstrated exceptional leadership, vision, creativity, results and outcomes above and beyond the regular functions of the job or expectations, and beyond what is normally achieved. 

CLEAR Investigative Excellence Award (Individual) | Dr. John Crumley, Nevada Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

This award recognizes an investigator in occupational or professional regulation. The nominee must have demonstrated exceptional performance in a particular case or a history of excellent performance beyond what is expected or required that resulted in a direct and significant impact to the protection of the public or consumer interests.

CLEAR Investigative Excellence Award (Team) | Real Estate Council of Alberta- Holly Childs, Jonathan Gordon, Andrew Brainard

2022 CLEAR Awards

CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement | Grady Barnhill, MEd, Credentialing Professional, Consulting

CLEAR’s Lifetime Service Award is given in recognition of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution and commitment to CLEAR, demonstrating dedication and integrity. In 2022, CLEAR recognizes Grady Barnhill for his many years of service to communities across the regulatory arena, as well as to CLEAR itself.

Mr. Barnhill’s work with CLEAR began in 1980, as the organization was founded, and has involved serving on numerous committees, delivery of conference presentations blending wit, challenge and insight, and a deep commitment to developing, implementing and maintaining systems that allow practitioners to maintain, enhance and document competence across their careers. Beyond CLEAR, Mr. Barnhill has been active on a national task force and served for seven years as a Board Member for the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE). He has also contributed to numerous publications, too numerous to mention here, but each of which is consistent with CLEAR’s commitment to promoting regulatory excellence.

One of Mr. Barnhill’s references for this award, herself a previous recipient, said the following: “Grady sets a standard for all of us who desire to ensure that credentialing initiatives have a meaningful impact on both credentialed professionals and the public they serve. His voice and actions remind us that the things we do create ripples across the delivery of healthcare. Grady is a joyful person, whose persistence and dedication have impacted all of us.” CLEAR is delighted to recognize Grady Barnhill with its 2022 Lifetime Service Award.

CLEAR Consumer Protection Award | Charla Burill, North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition

The CLEAR Consumer Protection Award is given to an individual who has innovatively contributed to enhancing a broader public understanding of regulatory issues with respect to consumer and public protection, and citizen advocacy.

This year CLEAR recognizes Charla Burill, Executive Director of the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition with its 2022 Consumer Protection Award for her innovative and collaborative approach to the reform of the regulation of dietetics and nutrition practice. Until recently, dietetics practice in the United States was regulated through a variety of licensure and certification laws. Litigation ultimately proved to be a catalyst for rethinking how to regulate the profession. As part of reform efforts, Ms. Burill brought a disparate group of stakeholders together in a way that resulted in former opponents finding common ground and creating a consensus dietetics practice act. The act was supported by multiple professions and a host of other stakeholders and has been viewed as the benchmark for dietetics and nutrition consumer protection statutes. The class of qualified practitioners was broadened and the exclusive scope of practice for which a license is required, was narrowed. State legislators praised this outcome, and the collaborative process that was followed, as “the ideal” and something that “had literally never been so smartly executed before.”

Having seen the new practice act become law, Ms. Burill and her Board educated key stakeholders about their revised roles and responsibilities. Throughout this process, Ms. Burill’s inclusive approach and commitment to achieving a consensus have served the profession and North Carolinians well. CLEAR is pleased to recognize the outcome and holistic process that was employed by Ms. Burill, with its 2022 Consumer Protection Award.

CLEAR lnvestigative Excellence Award | Renee D. Atherton, MA Department of Public Health

CLEAR recognizes Renee D. Atherton with its 2022 Investigative Excellence Award. The award recognizes exceptional performance in a particular case; here, a tragic incident involving an infant in cardiac arrest. In her role as a Clinical Coordinator/Investigator with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services Ms. Atherton identified that the system failed on many levels from the time of police first responder arrival to delivery at the hospital. The investigation revealed deficiencies in training and competencies, lack of communication and interagency compatibility when handling urgent incidents, and lack of sufficient experience and expertise when responding to the case in question. As a result of the investigation, significant system-wide changes have been instituted, including policies and procedures, communication protocols, and additional training which was completed by the entire ambulance service within 60 days of the final outcome of the investigation.

In addition to the thoroughness of her investigation, Ms. Atherton is recognized for the plain language used in her communications, her professional attitude and approach, and, critically, for the way she ensured the affected family received ongoing, and timely, updates about the case. CLEAR is proud to recognize the work of Renee D. Atherton with its 2022 Investigative Excellence Award.

CLEAR James L. Guffey NCIT Development Award  |  Jon Pellett, Pennington Law

CLEAR is pleased to recognize Jon Pellett with the James L. Guffey NCIT Development Award, given to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the enhancement and/or development of the National Certified Investigator/Inspector Training Program (NCIT). The nominee shall have shown exceptional leadership, vision and creativity in the planning, development, or execution of the Program.

Jon Pellett has been instrumental in guiding the NCIT Committee, as it has overseen the development of new offerings, together with the refinement of existing content. In addition, Mr. Pellett has led working groups as they developed pre-workshop content and has generously shared his expertise in the CLEAR Communities resource. His attitude, compassion and work-ethic have significantly supported CLEAR’s work when retooling both Basic and Specialized NCIT programs, which to date have trained over 21,000 regulatory investigators and inspectors.

In recognition of his dedication, expertise, and commitment to the professional development of key regulatory personnel, CLEAR is proud to recognize Jon Pellett with its 2022 James L. Guffey NCIT Development Award.  

CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award (Group) | College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA)

The CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award recognizes a team, program or agency that has demonstrated an outstanding contribution to the enhancement of occupational or professional regulation, processes, or consumer and public protection.

CLEAR is proud to highlight the work undertaken by the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) in becoming a single mandate regulator. Previously the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA), CRNA’s council voted unanimously on August 19, 2020, to separate regulatory and association activities, placing public protection at the forefront of CRNA’s mission and strategy. Having agreed upon the move to a single mandate, CRNA agreed that Right-touch Regulation principles would be adopted, to support the organization’s vision. Indeed, the organization’s new mission is “to protect and serve the public interest using Right-touch Regulation” and a Right-touch review project has begun. The project has two primary objectives: to assess operational and regulatory processes and policies across the organization and provide recommendations for implementation; and to educate employees on Right-touch principles and enable the application of their learning.

The result has seen quality improvement across the organization as the Right-touch framework (with its focus on ensuring regulators are proportionate, consistent, transparent, accountable, and agile in their approach) has been embedded. To date, over 400 documents have been reviewed and 417 meeting and employee interviews have occurred. Three departmental reviews have also been completed, and each has begun their implementation, including measuring the effect of reforms.

For its vision and commitment to regulatory reform, to the ultimate benefit of the public it serves, CLEAR is pleased to recognize the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) with its 2022 Regulatory Excellence Award.

CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement | Jan Robinson

The CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution and commitment to CLEAR, demonstrating dedication and integrity. The recipient shall have shown exceptional leadership, vision and creativity in the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of CLEAR. In 2021, we are delighted to present this award to Jan Robinson, Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the College of Veterinarians of Ontario.

Throughout an extraordinary career, which has seen Jan serve in the Registrar/CEO role in four regulatory organizations over a 28-year period, create and serve several profession-specific regulatory organizations, work with governments on projects and reform efforts, she has still generously made time to lead several of CLEAR’s initiatives and develop educational offerings for the wider benefit of the regulatory community. In each of these endeavors, Jan has been the embodiment of dedication and integrity. A leader other regulatory leaders look to for advice, vision and creativity, Jan is hugely in demand as a presenter, committee or workgroup member, across professions, industry sectors and government. Her consistent and long-standing support of CLEAR has seen Jan serve as a faculty member, lead the development of the Advanced Concepts in Regulatory Governance Program for Board and Council Members, as well as other initiatives too numerous to mention.

At a time of such significant change in this field, and more broadly, CLEAR is grateful for the opportunity to pause and recognize the integrity and wisdom that Jan brings to each situation, challenge and opportunity faced. CLEAR is grateful for her contributions to the regulatory sector in the past and keenly awaits the vision and creativity she will undoubtedly show in the years ahead, as we recognize Jan Robinson with the organization’s 2021 Service Award for Lifetime Achievement.

CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement |  Donna Mooney-Haywood

The CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution and commitment to CLEAR, demonstrating dedication and integrity. The recipient shall have shown exceptional leadership, vision and creativity in the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of CLEAR. CLEAR is pleased to present the 2020 CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement to Donna Mooney - Haywood

Donna served as president of CLEAR twice, with terms that occurred at significantly different development stages in the organization's history. Her first term was from 1994 to 1995 and the second from 2001 to 2002. Each of these terms required a different type of leadership and called for creativity and vision to meet the challenges that were being faced. Before, between, and after these terms of service Donna remained consistent with her active participation in virtually all aspects of the services and programs of the organization.

Over three decades of actively engagement and dedication to the organization are clear indicators of Donna's contributions and demonstrate her leadership, vision, creativity and commitment to CLEAR.

CLEAR Investigative Excellence Award (Individual) | Nicholas Woloszczuk

The CLEAR Investigative Excellence Award recognizes an investigator who has demonstrated exceptional performance in a particular case that resulted in a direct and significant impact to the protection of the public. CLEAR is proud to present the 2020 Investigative Excellence Award to Nicholas Woloszczuk, Investigator with the Ontario College of Teachers.

Mr. Woloszczuk investigated an alleged “grooming” case, involving a 14-year old student and her teacher. While the Police and School Board obtained the mobile phones belonging to Student 1, a digital forensic search of the phones was not conducted. The School Board and Police interviewed Student 1 and determined that while there was evidence of “grooming”, there was no evidence of sexual misconduct rising to a criminal level and so charges would not be filed. Mr. Woloszczuk’s interview with Student 1 resulted in new information and led to the forensic examination of three mobile phones. The examination revealed the presence of sexualized images on the phones and ultimately led to a disciplinary hearing in December 2019 which resulted in the Member’s teaching certification being revoked.

In recognition of his tenacity, perseverance and commitment to public protection shown in this case, CLEAR is honored to present its 2020 Investigative Excellence Award to Nicholas Woloszczuk.

2019 CLEAR Award Recipients

CLEAR Investigative Excellence Award (Group)  |  Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA)

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2019 Investigative Excellence Group Award to Investigators Cheryl Rumpel and Holly Childs from the Real Estate Council of Alberta.

What began as a single complaint from an unhappy homeowner in February of 2017, ultimately uncovered a web of approximately fifteen individuals involved in a mortgage fraud scheme. In the complaint, a single-parent immigrant homeowner with limited English language skills had been pressured by a real estate agent to sell her home at a price much lower than market-value. Upon completion of the sale, the real estate agent immediately listed the property on the local board’s database at a substantially increased value and within days, recorded a pending sale of the property at its newly listed price.

Were it not for the keen eye of RECA’s investigators, Cheryl Rumpel and Holly Childs, who took notice of a critical unmet condition date in the original contract, the complaint might have been dismissed as seller’s remorse. Pain-staking review of financial transactions, contracts and documentation were only one part of this multi-faceted investigation, which ultimately uncovered approximately 15 individuals involved in the fraudulent scheme. Significant language and cultural barriers could have thwarted the investigation, but with the help of RECA’s skilled interviewers, investigators were able to establish a rapport and rebuild trust with other sellers who had also fallen prey to the scheme.

After issuing administrative fines and penalties and exhausting the scope of RECA’s jurisdiction, investigators shared their findings with other relevant agencies and regulatory bodies. Their collaboration served to further expose other instances of fraud, money laundering and corruption. Ultimately, a referral to the Canada Revenue Agency and Edmonton Police Service led to a joint criminal investigation involving 78 properties. Additional investigations led by the other institutions are now on-going.

The dedication of RECA’s team led by Cheryl Rumpel and Holly Childs, is a prime illustration of what it means to be an investigator in today’s global marketplace. Their meticulous and unrelenting yet objective and culturally sensitive approach to the case is what sets them apart and makes them so deserving of this award.

CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award (Group) | Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2019 Regulatory Excellence Group Award to Matthew Hardy, Monica Lambley and Susan Biggar of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

In Australia, health practitioners were asked to rate the complaint notification experience on a scale of 1 to 10. Over 90% of health practitioners rated their stress levels between 7 and 10 and over 50% of health practitioners reported a solid 10. On the patient side, notifiers or those who had submitted a complaint reported the outcome to be unsatisfying and non-validating of their concern or effort in raising it. Coupled with the fact that AHPRA is faced with an increasing number of notifications each year, a serious review of the notification experience was deemed a priority.

Over the past three years, Matthew Hardy, Monica Lambley and Susan Biggar have worked diligently and creatively to improve the notifier and practitioner experience when a member of the public raises a complaint concerning a health practitioner. Through the distribution of a survey with over 3,500 responses and over 73 recorded interviews, this three-person team gathered and analyzed quantitative and qualitative data on the levels of satisfaction and feelings of respect during the notification process. Using this data, they have improved multiple facets of the notifications process, ranging from updates to the style of written correspondence to practitioners, development of new risk-based approaches and service principles, to encouraging and tracking organizational culture change.

The work accomplished by this high-functioning team is fundamental and significant on several levels. An effective reporting culture in which people raise concerns requires community trust and engagement with the regulator. The focus of this team on gathering and responding to details of the experience of those involved in the notifications process is making an important contribution to how AHPRA approaches its role as a regulator and is why CLEAR is pleased to recognize their significant efforts with this award.

CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award (Individual)  |  Peggy Sellers Benson, Alabama Board of Nursing

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2019 Regulatory Excellence Award (Individual) to Peggy Sellers Benson, Executive Officer for the Alabama Board of Nursing.

In the Summer of 2017, recognizing the urgency occasioned by the Opioid Crisis' impact on all facets of society, Peggy devised, implemented, and directed the Alabama Board of Nursing's first Awareness Campaign for its Voluntary Disciplinary Alternative Program, also known as VDAP. In more than 25 years since the program’s creation by the Alabama Legislature, VDAP has helped hundreds of nurses who carry a substance use disorder diagnosis return to safe practice.

By utilizing a variety of media outlets, including social, personal and print, Peggy furthered the campaign’s reach and stated goal of alerting licensees, coworkers, families and the public to the Program’s existence, thus allowing countless numbers of nurses the opportunity to break out of the throws of addiction and back to the profession they love. In a year-over-year comparison, the Alabama Board of Nursing was able to quantify substantial increases in the reporting of substance use issues among nurses, demonstrated by a 10% increase in direct reports, a 91% increase in coworker reports, and a 19% increase in reports from nurses themselves.

The VDAP Awareness Campaign’s success serves as a model for health professional alternative programs throughout the United States. Prior to implementation, the Board struggled for means to demonstrate the Program’s benefits to licensees and the public. Through her dedication and commitment to both nurse and patient, Peggy has made an immediate and long-lasting contribution to the nursing profession and regulatory community. CLEAR thanks her for her efforts and is proud to name her as recipient of this award.

CLEAR James L. Guffey NCIT Development Award  |  Kim Williams, Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2019 James L. Guffey NCIT Development Award to Kim Williams, Acting Manager of Professional Conduct with the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators. Throughout her years of membership with CLEAR, Kim has been an active volunteer on CLEAR committees, specifically CLEAR’s National Certified Investigator and Inspector Training (NCIT) committee.

Kim’s knowledge of regulatory investigations come from her years of work in the field as a senior investigator, program coordinator and supervisor at a watchdog organization for dentists. As the Supervisor of Investigations for the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators, she has implemented skills gained through working with CLEAR’s NCIT program, and has taken the lead in building, motivating and training a team of unseasoned investigators.

Behind the scenes, Kim’s relationship with CLEAR’s NCIT committee spans more than a decade, during which time she has generously lent her knowledge and time, helping modernize CLEAR’s NCIT–Basic program for its Canadian audience. In addition to her committee service, Kim has participated in a task force charged with developing a training program for regulatory attorneys, the development of investigator content for CLEAR’s Annual Educational Conference, and most recently, has aided an NCIT working group in updating its sexual misconduct and drug diversion investigative modules.

The common theme that runs throughout Kim’s work is regulatory excellence and public protection; and, through her engagement with CLEAR and its NCIT programming, she not only extends her support to CLEAR’s immediate membership, but to her colleagues around the world. CLEAR thanks Kim for her service and is pleased to honor her with this award.

CLEAR Consumer Protection Award  |  Julie Maciura, Steinecke Maciura LeBlanc 

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2019 Consumer Protection Award to Julie Maciura, Managing Partner at Steinecke Maciura LeBlanc.

For the past 25 years, Julie has devoted herself to a career in administrative law and professional regulation, with a specialization in health law. During this time, she has served as general counsel, prosecutor, and independent legal counsel to numerous Ontario regulators. While Julie’s contributions to professional regulation are many, a notable highlight is her work with regulators on the development of harm reduction and victim protection frameworks - policies and strategies designed to protect and reduce the risk of harm to victims and vulnerable members of the public receiving professional health services.

Julie has used her strong legal knowledge, creative thinking and strong work ethic to educate healthcare professionals and provide them with tools they need to ensure strong frameworks are in place for the treatment of patients. She is a leader in her field and enjoys a reputation as someone regulators can count on for sound legal advice. Julie also displays a keen understanding of the challenges facing regulators and is skilled in handling issues sensitively, effectively and efficiently.

With her generous nature and wisdom, Julie is always willing to share her expertise, knowledge and passion for the law with regulators and the public they are charged with protecting. This area of regulatory law is fortunate to have someone like Julie at its helm, and her leadership, along with her commitment to public protection, makes her a particularly deserving recipient of this award.

CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement |  Deanna L. Williams

CLEAR is honored to present the 2019 Service Award for Lifetime Achievement to Deanna L. Williams for her significant contribution to the regulatory community, and her long-standing commitment to CLEAR and its role in promoting regulatory excellence.

Deanna’s career has been devoted to regulation for the past 24 years, during which she has served CLEAR in numerous capacities.  When not instructing one of CLEAR’s Board Member Training or Executive Leadership programs, she can be found either speaking, moderating or helping to coordinate sessions at CLEAR conferences and other in-person events. In addition to her consistent hands-on participation, Deanna has served CLEAR as a board and committee chair and member, and in 2003 became CLEAR’s first Canadian president.

In 2012, Deanna was appointed by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care as the Supervisor to the Ontario College of Denturists. In just under two years, she was able to successfully address operational and regulatory concerns raised in a previous audit report. Most recently, Deanna served as an expert advisor to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care where she assisted in the development of best practices concerning the handling of complaints, investigations and discipline, in matters related to sexual abuse of patients by health care practitioners.

Within and beyond CLEAR, Deanna is trusted for her professional honesty and integrity. She knows the principles and practices of good regulation, and even in the face of opposition, will not waver in her advice or actions. CLEAR is proud to call Deanna Williams a member, leader and former President and recognizes her extraordinary service with this award.

2018 CLEAR Award Recipients 

CLEAR Investigative Excellence Award (Group)  |  Consumer Protection BC

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2018 Investigative Excellence Group Award to the members of the Consumer Protection BC Investigative Team.

Each year, payday lenders operating in British Columbia, Canada are required to submit self-reported sales and revenue data to Consumer Protection BC for review. In January 2017, the Manager of Policy & Research identified concerning data from a payday lender showing an unusually high percentage of sales and revenue earned through payday insurance sales, which lenders are prohibited from requiring under the Business Practices & Consumer Protection Act. In response, a team of Consumer Protection BC inspectors launched an investigation into the payday lender’s business practices through a series of coordinated, simultaneous and strategic inspections. The team employed multiple and creative investigative techniques which included the use of data, the power of inspections to gain information, and by sourcing evidence from untraditional sources, such as employee training manuals.  

Through evidence gathered during the investigation, the team was able to prove the lender was illegally requiring the purchase of loan insurance and was deceptively exaggerating or failing to state material facts about the loan insurance. The company providing the credit protection insurance was also found to be in contravention of the Financial Institutions Act, a law administered by the Financial Institutions Commission. As the investigation broadened, a second major lender was found to be engaged in the same non-compliant behavior.

By joining together to share knowledge and expertise, Consumer Protection BC and the Financial Institutions Commission took coordinated action against the lenders and the insurer, facilitating hundreds of thousands of dollars in refunds and ending an activity that harmed vulnerable consumers. Consumer Protection BC has demonstrated how strategic partnerships between regulators can have powerful and far-reaching results. Their dedicated enforcement, and protection of the consumer, makes them incredibly deserving of this award.

CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award (Group) | College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (CPBC)

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2018 Regulatory Excellence Group Award to the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia (CPBC).

From 2012 to 2013, pharmacies in Vancouver, British Columbia experienced a 160% increase in community pharmacy robberies, often targeted for their prescription opioid medications. After being contacted by local law enforcement, the College formed a working group comprised of representatives from law enforcement, pharmacies, CPBC staff and British Columbia’s pharmacy association. The working group devised a set of pharmacy security requirements aimed at reducing pharmacy robberies and protecting confidential health information of the consumer. The measures were first introduced via policy in 2015 and transitioned to bylaw in 2017. 

In a recent evaluation of the working group’s initiatives, a criminologist from Simon Fraser University found strong evidence supporting the success of the measures in reducing the number of pharmacy robberies since having gone into effect. Notably, there was an immediate and substantial drop – a 94% decrease in pharmacy robberies within Vancouver, alone. In the Interior and Lower Mainland regions of British Columbia, there was an approximate 20% reduction.

The College’s pioneering efforts have resulted in an adaptive model of pharmacy security requirements for other regulatory authorities to use within their own jurisdictions. The dedication, team work and tenacity to overcome obstacles and create a safer environment for pharmacy staff and the public is what makes the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia a deserving recipient of this award.  

CLEAR Regulatory Excellence Award (Individual)  |  Dr. Joanna Flynn

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2018 Regulatory Excellence Award (Individual) to Dr. Joanna Flynn AM, Chair of the Medical Board of Australia. As a medical practitioner for the past 30 years, Dr. Flynn has made considerable contributions to professional regulation within Australia and internationally.

In recent years, Dr. Flynn has led the work of the Medical Board of Australia to develop a comprehensive new Professional Performance Framework, designed to ensure that all registered medical practitioners practice competently and ethically throughout their working lives. The successful launch of the Professional Performance Framework, with widespread support across the profession, is a testament to Dr. Flynn’s leadership and strategic approach to major regulatory reform.

Dr. Flynn has earned a reputation internationally for wisdom, integrity, decisiveness, intelligence, insight and compassion and through her roles in medical regulation over the decades, has demonstrated a clear understanding of the importance of engagement with the community and the medical profession. She has enormous insight into the role of the regulator to protect the public and balances this with the need for fair and transparent processes, built on the principles of natural justice. Her leadership and vision have helped guide the medical profession through a transition into national registration and an acceptance of major regulatory reform. 

As she concludes her appointment as Chair of the Medical Board of Australia this year and enters retirement, it is fitting to recognize the outstanding contribution she has made to professional regulation and honor her career of service with the presentation of this award.  

CLEAR James L. Guffey NCIT Development Award  |  Chris Buck

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2018 James L. Guffey NCIT Development Award to Chris Buck, former Senior Investigator of the Ontario College of Teachers. Throughout his years of membership with CLEAR, Chris has been an active volunteer on CLEAR committees, taking to heart CLEAR’s stated purpose of promoting the exchange of information and providing education and training to the regulatory community.  

In 2017 and while serving on the Compliance and Discipline Program Sub-Committee, Chris took on the role as Chair of an internal NCIT working group, tasked with the re-design of CLEAR’s Investigating Allegations of Sexual Misconduct NCIT module, an important and current topic within the regulatory investigative community. In addition to his committee service, Chris has generously contributed of his time and expertise towards the development of CLEAR’s newest training offering, Administrative Law and the Regulatory Process.

Chris has recently retired from the role of Senior Investigator with the Ontario College of Teachers, where he provided support in training and development, consultation with investigators, project management and the investigation of complaints. Before joining the College, Chris was a member of the Toronto Police Service for 32 years and retired at the rank of Detective Sergeant in the Homicide Squad. Chris’ professional background has contributed significantly to his involvement with CLEAR and its training programs. Chris Buck is a testament to the quality of dedicated professionals from around the world who have help make CLEAR the organization it is today. CLEAR thanks him for his service and is pleased to honor him with this award.  

CLEAR Consumer Protection Award  |  Julianne D'Angelo Fellmeth

CLEAR is pleased to present the 2018 Consumer Protection Award to Julianne “Julie” D'Angelo Fellmeth, Administrative Director and Supervising Attorney for the Center for Public Interest Law at the University of San Diego School of Law.

Over the course of an impressive 30-year career, Julie has elevated the visibility of consumer protection and public interest issues throughout the state of California. She has been instrumental in spearheading new legislation aimed at the protection of the consumer and has served as a respected authority in the review and reform of numerous California state agencies and licensing Boards. Her knowledge, keen insight and expertise have significantly contributed to reforms impacting the efficiency, effectiveness and fairness of California’s regulatory functions.  

 In concert with her advocacy for the consumer, Julie has devoted her career and energy to academia, further solidifying her impact on public protection. For three decades, she has served as Director and Supervising Attorney at the University of San Diego’s Center for Public Interest Law, where her students would readily regard her as a trusted educator, mentor and role model – someone who has helped mold and educate generations of public interest lawyers, numbering nearly 1,000, who will continue her commitment to the protection of the public and consumer.   

Julie's level of influence both on California's policies, her students and generations of public interest lawyers is considerable and has paved a path for both the public and the state to follow for years to come. CLEAR thanks her for her commitment to the regulatory community and is thrilled to present her with this award. 

CLEAR Service Award for Lifetime Achievement |  Michelle Z. Pedersen

CLEAR is honored to present the 2018 Service Award for Lifetime Achievement to Michelle Z. Pedersen, for her significant contribution to the regulatory community through her long-standing work with CLEAR and in her recent roles as Deputy Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and as Business Development Executive for the State and Local Government Regulatory Portfolio with MicroPact.  Sadly, Michelle passed away in October 2017 but hers is an enduring legacy. While Michelle was highly regarded for her professional accomplishments, those who knew her say that her unwavering commitment to people is what set her apart – a commitment she carried out while promoting regulatory excellence in all that she did.

Michelle attended her first CLEAR conference in Alexandria, Virginia in September 2006 and “never looked back”. In 2007 she joined the faculty of the Executive Leadership for Regulators Learning Program and since 2008, regularly served as that program’s Committee Chair or Vice-Chair.  Michelle was elected onto CLEAR’s Board of Directors in 2009 and served as its President from 2012 to 2013. In accepting the nomination as President-Elect, Michelle shared the following about CLEAR, in her own words:

“It has been my privilege to serve CLEAR in a variety of capacities, and to continue on the Board of Directors in this new role [is] an unprecedented honor. I am passionate about CLEAR, and it has been a pleasure to contribute to CLEAR’s goals by serving on the Board of Directors; by fulfilling the roles of chair, co-chair and faculty for the Executive Leadership for Regulators program; and by chairing, co-chairing or participating on-ten different committees, working groups, projects and task-forces. As President of CLEAR, my intent is to play a pivotal leadership role in the growth and expanding successes of the organization-with an emphasis on (1) continuing to foster a culture and environment of access, inclusiveness and diversity; (2) creating opportunities for a clarified and broadened appreciation for involvement and participation; and (3) working collectively with the Board and membership, to strategically increase and leverage the awareness and recognition of CLEAR as a mutually valued resource and forum, beyond traditional organization boundaries.”

Michelle gave generously of her time, good humor and expertise to the wider regulatory community and her dedication to CLEAR was evident to all. Her energy, work ethic and genuine nature is sorely missed but her influence across the many parts of CLEAR will continue to be felt and remembered for years to come. CLEAR is honored to recognize Michelle as the recipient of the 2018 Service Award for Lifetime Achievement.

 A PDF listing of all CLEAR Awards Winners (1989-2018) is available for download here.