CLEAR's President's Message- October 2023

Posted By: Ashley Peterson President's Message,

“I’m in awe,” said one first time attendee at CLEAR’s 2023 Annual Educational Conference in Salt Lake City last month.  She’s not alone.  I am too.  With nearly 500 attendees from the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and others around the world, CLEAR represents the very best about what modern, relevant regulation can (and should) look like.  In sessions ranging from innovative technology, to evolving consumer expectations, to how we can create frameworks that lead to thriving spaces for everyone, CLEAR is truly the world’s foremost association for regulatory learning.  “Awe” is a good word.  

Regulatory Leadership and Training 

Today, more than 22,000 regulatory professionals have participated in CLEAR’s training programs spanning regulatory investigations, great governance and leadership. This year we are welcoming even more faculty members to the fold to continue our work in supporting great regulators and spectacular regulatory leaders. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an instructor for any of CLEAR’s training programs or hosting a training program in your jurisdiction, please contact Jodie Markey at and (859) 687-0262.  I know she will be delighted to hear from you. 


Already Thinking About Next Year’s Conference

I hope that you are thinking about submitting a session proposal for next year’s annual conference, taking place September 16-19 in Baltimore, Maryland.  Whether about the future of work, disruptive technologies, instructive experiences or evolving trends, we want to hear from you. After all, today’s whispers can become tomorrow’s challenges.  More information is available online or by contacting Virginia Shapland ( and (859) 687-2876.  


But First: This Year’s Winter Symposium 

Please join me for this year’s Winter Symposium, taking place on January 10, 2024 in Tucson, Arizona. This year’s theme focuses on the many ways emerging technologies are changing how we regulate and how our organizations operate, at a time when we increasingly recognize the importance of demonstrating compassion throughout the regulatory life cycle.  

We Need You 

Since Utah, nearly 100 regulatory professions have signed up to support CLEAR’s committees. But I know we still have room for you!  

You might be intrigued by CLEAR’s new Education and Training Committee, which informs and oversees the organization’s training programs.  Or perhaps one of the Program-building committees.  Or even one of our other standing committees on supporting regulators?   

There’s a lot to do this year, and that work begins right now.  (It actually already began!)  

In other words, if you haven’t already done so, please consider joining one of our committees. If you’re interested, please write to Stephanie Thompson ( to find out more. 

And Finally – Thank You

Serving as CLEAR’s President is one of the greatest honours in my regulatory career.  I’m inspired by your passion, resilience in the face of constant change, drive to push the boundaries about what relevant regulation means today, and commitment to learning from each other.  So, to all of you, thank you for being awesome.   

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Marc Spector 

CLEAR President