
CLEAR Exam Review CLEAR News CLEAR News : Case Study CLEAR News : CLEAR Announcements CLEAR News : CLEAR Podcast CLEAR News : CLEAR Resources CLEAR News : President's Message CLEAR News : Quick Poll CLEAR News : Upcoming Events Regulatory Job Board Regulatory News Regulatory News : Administration Regulatory News : Agency Reports Regulatory News : Alt Pathways to Licensure Regulatory News : CLEAR Vendor Mbr News Regulatory News : Compliance & Discipline Regulatory News : Conflict of Int/Ethics Regulatory News : Consolidation Proposals Regulatory News : Continuing Competence Regulatory News : Court Cases Regulatory News : Cultural Competence Regulatory News : Current Affairs Regulatory News : Data Security Regulatory News : Data-Informed Policies Regulatory News : Deregulation Proposals Regulatory News : Discr in Regulation Regulatory News : Diversity Regulatory News : Education & Training Regulatory News : Entry to Practice Regulatory News : ERAC Q&A Series Regulatory News : Examination Issues Regulatory News : Facilities Regulation Regulatory News : Fees/Budget Regulatory News : Foreign-TrainedApplicants Regulatory News : Health of Practitioner Regulatory News : Implicit Bias in Reg Regulatory News : interprofessional practic Regulatory News : Investigations/Inspection Regulatory News : License Renewal Regulatory News : Media/Public Comm Regulatory News : Mobility Regulatory News : Model Legislation Regulatory News : Multi-disciplinary Care Regulatory News : Performance/Legislative Regulatory News : Premier Education Partner Regulatory News : Premier Tech Partner Regulatory News : Public Awareness Regulatory News : Quality Assurance Regulatory News : Reducing Barriers to Regulatory News : Re-entry to Practice Regulatory News : Reg of New Professions Regulatory News : Regulation by Country Regulatory News : Regulation in Emergency Regulatory News : Regulatory Appointments Regulatory News : Regulatory Reform Regulatory News : Remote Work Regulatory News : Reports on Professions Regulatory News : Research Regulatory News : Resources for STBR Regulatory News : Right-touch Regulation Regulatory News : Scope of Practice Regulatory News : Social Media&Regulation Regulatory News : Standards of Practice Regulatory News : Strategic Planning Regulatory News : Sunrise Reviews Regulatory News : Sunset Reviews Regulatory News : Technology Regulatory News : Telemedicine Regulatory News : Transparency Regulatory News : Unlicensed Practice Regulatory News : Use of Title Regulatory News : Workforce/Access Shortage

The Alabama Board of Medical Examiners appeared before the Joint Sunset Committee and faced questions over their authority to enter into settlement...

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Georgia's lieutenant governor and House speaker have launched a Blue Ribbon Committee investigation to determine the cause of licensing delays in...

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The Professional Standards Authority in the UK has released their performance review of the General Dental Council, showing that the regulator met...

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Wisconsin's Legislative Audit Committee will conduct an audit of the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services to look at the funding...

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Mississippi's Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review has issued a report recommending the dissolution of the...

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The Community Affairs References Committee has completed an inquiry into the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency's administration of...

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