Racism in Nursing Report

The American Nurses Association's National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing has released their foundational report, exploring how racism shows up in the nursing profession. The report series

  • "centers the experiences of nurses of color in U.S. history and how structural and systemic racism have hindered access to educational and professional opportunities as well as institutional power,"
  • "examines power, privilege, and prejudice in nursing today,"
  • focuses on "creating equitable and inclusive learning environments [that] will lead to increased access and opportunities for students, faculty, and staff,"
  • explores way to "eliminate racism in existing policy" and the need to create "new policies that address past harms and advance the nursing profession,"
  • "explores the ethical obligations to develop a culture where all staff and patients are treated fairly," and
  • explores how "minority nurse researchers are key to address health disparities and inequities."

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